2023 Minot Park District Elementary Cross-Country
Roosevelt Park, Minot ND
All Minot Schools, including Nedrose, South Prairie, Burlington, & Surrey
**Meets on Sept. 11, 18, 25, and Oct. 9 will be open to only the above-listed schools. The meeting on Oct. 2 will be open to any area schools.**
September 11, 18, 25, and October 9 – only above
listed schools
October 2 – open to any area schools
Race Times: Prairie Grit will be at 5:30 PM and preschool and kindergarten races will start at 6:00 PM. Other races to follow.
Race Order/Distance
Prairie Grit (5:30 pm)
Girls & Boys Pre-K & K: 800 meters
Girls & Boys Grades 1-2: 1,000 meters
Girls & Boys Grades 3-4: 1,200 meters
Girls & Boys Grade 5: 1 mile
6th Grade Girls: 1 mile
6th Grade Boys: 1 mile
There is NO COST for your child to participate in. The Minot Park District and the Minot High Girls Cross Country team will be hosting these races.
Each participant will receive a weekly ribbon and will also have the opportunity to receive an award at the end of the season. To be eligible for the end of the season award you MUST COMPLETE 3 RACES.
If you have any questions please call Ann Nesheim at the Minot Park District office at 857-4136.