Donate DIrectly to PGAS

Your tax deductible donation helps to enhance the lives of PGAS athletes. Thank you for making a difference.

Please use the “Donate” button to begin.

Purchase PGAS Merchandise

PGAS merchandise is available for purchase at our office at the YMCA.

Donate to Our Endowment Funds

A Prairie Grit Adaptive Sports Endowment Fund has been established at the Minot Area Community Foundation.

How to Contribute to this PGAS Endowment Fund:

Checks can be made payable to Minot Community Foundation, with “PGAS Endowment” in the memo, and mailed to:

Minot Area Community Foundation
PGAS Endowment
606 Burdick Expressway West – Suite A
Minot, ND 58701

Contributions can also be made to the Endowment Fund electronically. To make an electronic contribution, please contact Jason Zimmerman or Staci Kenney at (701) 852-0646.

A Prairie Grit Adaptive Sports Endowment Fund has been established at the Inspiritus Community Health Foundation (formerly St. Joseph's Community Health Foundation).

How to Contribute to this PGAS Endowment Fund:

Checks can be made payable to Inspiritus Community Health Foundation, with “PGAS Endowment” in the memo, and mailed to:

Inspiritus Community Health Foundation
PGAS Endowment
308 2nd Ave SW
Minot, ND 58701 

Contributions can also be made to this endowment fund electronically. To make an electronic contribution, please go to the website, and donate using the donate button. Add: Prairie Grit Endowment Fund in the special instructions to seller. And/or contact Shelly Weppler at (701) 837-1726 to visit about your gift.